
9 Dec 2005 - 5 Feb 2006

On the initiative of Grafisch Atelier Eindhoven, ten Tilburg artists have each produced a design for an urban poster. Normally, this type of poster serves as advertisement in light boxes located on city streets. For this occasion, they are artworks (screen prints) that will be displayed throughout the city, under the title  Toonbeelden, throughout the month of December. In this way the work of the artists will reach a wide audience. The project is being held in connection with the activities of KORT (Kunst Openbare Ruimte Tilburg) and will be accompanied by the house-to-house distribution of a brochure.

While this presentation takes place, the entire series of screen prints will also be shown at De Pont.

The participating artists include Linda Arts, Marian Breedveld, Koen Deleaere, Paul van Dongen, Guido Geelen, Michael de Kok, René Korten / Jan van den Langenberg, Marc Mulders, Reinoud van Vught and Ronald Zuurmond.