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Marijn van Kreij

How to Look at a Spiral

30 May 2024 - 18 August 2024

The processes of appropriation and repetition are a common thread running through the oeuvre of Marijn van Kreij (1978). The artist takes both iconic and lesser-known works from the 20th century and gives them a new context and form in the here and now. In How to Look at a Spiral, he brings together paintings on paper, drawings and collages made in the last ten years. Van Kreij combines hand-drawn copies of artworks and illustrations from children’s books with cut-out fragments of text and uses fluid brushstrokes to apply paint to pages from art catalogues and magazines. Certain visual motifs, such as a window and a snail, recur in various forms. In De Pont, Van Kreij presents his work arranged into a spiral-shaped composition that unites doubts and insights, visual rhymes and contrasts.

The new book Pictorial Content? from Roma Publications will be presented during the exhibition as well. This publication will be part artist’s book and part catalogue summarising Van Kreij’s recent work.

Beeld: Tentoonstellingsoverzicht Abstraction, Class, Education, Hacking, History, Information, Nature, Production, Property, Representation, Revolt, State, Subject, Surplus, Vector, World, Writings bij Klemm’s, Berlijn, 2022Fotograaf: Nick Ash