Angela Bulloch
, lives/works in Berlin/Londen
Angela Bulloch has developed her Pixel Boxes in collaboration with ‘computer artist’ Holger Friese. These Pixel Boxes, wooden or aluminum cubes in varying sizes, have one side consisting of a monitor. The monitors light up alternately, each with a different monochrome color surface. Every Box contains three fluorescent lights: one red, one green and one blue. For these Pixel Boxes Bulloch and Friese developed a computer program and an interface that can generate more than sixteen million colors. The color images are actually the smallest digital pixels taken from existing film and video material. Pixel Boxes stand independently in a space, functioning as sculptural and architectonic elements and comprising hypnotic and inescapable installations that sometimes include sound. The rhythmics of the color changes, as well as the language of the cubic wood/aluminum forms, clearly refer to minimal art. For Bulloch the cubes represent an imaginary realm where various ideas on art, visual analysis and reception can converge. Colors and forms do, after all, give rise to associations with a range of modernist movements in the art of the past century, from Cubism and Futurism to conceptual art and minimal art. The pixel patterns also form the basis for large wall paintings of regularly ordered sections of color.