David Claerbout

Kortijk Belgium 1969, lives and works in Antwerp

Homeless Cat
single channel interactive video, color, no sound
24 inch LCD screen

In Homeless Cat David Claerbout's cat can be seen peering wide-eyed through a rooftop window, waiting for the arrival of a visitor who can rescue him from his loneliness.
Due to interactive technology he experiences not only day and night, and the same outdoor weather conditions as the visitor, but he also responds to the visitor's presence inside the museum. The cat comes closer, in the hope that he will finally be allowed in, and after some time he turns away again as the window remains shut.
The artist has compared the work to the Japanese 'Tamagotchi', the digital pet that asks to be cared for yet cannot receive this due to the restrictive limits of the screen. But that doesn't prevent this 'homeless cat' from approaching every new visitor with fresh optimism.