Michel François

Sint-Truiden Belgium 1956, lives and works in Brussels

Niet Vallen! / Pas Tomber!
installation; dandelions, steel wire, carpet

In many presentations of Michel François the relationship between the work and the space, between the sculpture and the architecture, plays an emphatic role. The link that he establishes between the object and its environment involves more than a mere form of presentation; an intrinsic concept that gives direction to all of his work. The generation of new meanings for known images and everyday situations is central to the work of Michel François. In doing this he uses a variety of means and media. The work shown here finds its origins in a project that François developed in 1997 for a forensic clinic in Rotterdam. The form milled out in the carpet is the life size floorplan of one of its cells. The cosy character of the carpet is in shrill contrast with the cold nature of the depicted cell. The dandelion ceiling can evoke all kinds of associations with transitoriness, vulnerability, the unachievable and the contrast between being imprisoned and the freedom to move around freely.

Watch here the video about this installation