Laure Prouvost

Croix France 1978, Brussels/London

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Re-dit-en-un-in-learning CENTER
sound and light installation


Prouvost is fascinated with the relationship between language and its representation. Re-dit-en-un-in-learning CENTER is a sequel to her project DIT Learn, where ‘DIT’ refers to the French verb ‘dire’ (to say), while in English this sounds like the prefix ‘de’ and thus produces the word ‘de-learn’. Arising in this installation of ten paintings and a light/sound piece is an associative game, where depictions that evoke memories of old-fashioned reading methods undergo a change of meaning when accompanied by an almost mesmerizing voice. It is a kind of psychological and philosophical memory game that playfully throws us off balance, so that ingrained knowledge is abandoned and we become receptive to new stimuli.