Job Koelewijn
Spakenburg NL
, lives and works in AmsterdamUntitled (Lemniscaat)
wood and books
125 x 780 x 240 cm
gift of the artist and Galerie Fons Welters, Amsterdam
The idea of an infinite flow of information is usually associated with the computer and with the rise of an online culture. But aren't we, Job Koelewijn wonders, becoming a little obsessed with the digital highway? That deluge of information was, after all, set in motion centuries ago when the book came into existence.
The book, literature and language are crucial to Koelewijn's artistic practice. He starts the day by reading aloud a chapter from a book by a writer, philosopher or scientist. These readings are recorded onto an audio tape, to which he then listens in order to absorb everything once again. He produces wall reliefs consisting of books and audio tapes, writes texts on the wall, etches portraits of writers and, over the past years, has also created a number of monumental sculptures with books. Among them is his 2006 sculpture, nearly eight meters long and filled with hundreds of books, titled Lemniscaat.